Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I'm sitting in my room looking out a window at a wonderfully mauve blue sky, and i can't help but wonder...why has everything turned out so easy RIGHT when i thought my life was getting bad?

I just took an Anthropology final...the only one i was legitimately worried about...and finished in under 30 minutes. It was probably the easiest final i've ever taken.

In fact, tomorrow, i get to take a final that no matter what grade i get on it, i pass the class.

Lack of motivation, anyone?

Anyway, i've been sick the past few days, and i haven't commented or clicked anyone in a while. With the semester winding down and summer coming along swiftly, it's time to get back in the blogging ring.

Expect stuff to start showing up on your posts, ladies and gents.

Additionally, original pieces and more Smoke and Ash is to come; stay tuned!

For now, however, i'll leave you with my new favorite champion in League of Legends, Irelia.
Take care folks!


  1. congrats on the test and welcome back

  2. Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up. Keep the momentum going.

  3. Congratulations on the final! It's good to have you back

  4. haven't really gotten into LoL

  5. I once got half way through a Biochem exam...worked out I'd answered enough questions to pass the course and left after an hour

    Good to have you back

  6. Irelia es #1! Very fun champion

  7. nice use of the word "mauve".

  8. Congrats on your final. It's better that it was too easy than too hard!

  9. Really nice read, i can completly find in points of your blog! Keep it up =]

  10. Leaving exams halfway?
    Hmm..11th grade nostalgia...but not becaude i knew everything, lol
    Nice to have you back.

  11. I'm getting over a sick spell myself no fun.

  12. enjoy your break from trials and tribulations

  13. Know what? Sometimes there are some days where you honestly wish inside of your head that you could just get taken out my a meteor or something. Miraculously, you'll sleep on it - and the next day you'll wake up feeling like a million bucks. Quite an interesting phenomenon really.

    Good luck with your classes!

  14. Well i like this very much, nice picture.

  15. Be better! Your background is still frikking fantastic lol
    Happy mothers day! Looking forward to all your updates! $upporting :D!

  16. Sorry you're feeling sick but good to hear that the final went well.
